The difference between the content and use of green silicon carbide and black silicon carbideThe difference between the content and use of green silicon carbide and black silicon carbide
Green silicon carbide has a higher content of silicon carbide, ranging from 97-99%, and is made from quartz sand, petroleum coke, and sawdust. It has excellent thermal conductivity, high strength, and low thermal expansion. Green silicon carbide is widely used in grinding, cutting, polishing, and other industrial applications such as electronic ceramics, refractory materials, and special ceramic material production.
Black silicon carbide, on the other hand, contains 95-97% silicon carbide and is manufactured using a mix of calcined petroleum coke and sand. It is less hard than green silicon carbide and is mainly used for grinding and polishing of cast iron, non-ferrous metals, and other materials with low tensile strength. Black silicon carbide is also used in the production of refractory materials, ceramic products, and electronic components.In summary, the main difference between green and black silicon carbide is their silicon carbide content and uses. Green silicon carbide has a higher silicon carbide content and is used for industrial applications requiring high strength and excellent thermal conductivity. Black silicon carbide has a lower silicon carbide content and is mainly used for grinding and polishing applications.
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silicon carbide green green silicon carbide powder manufacturers sic price
$2,144.00 - $2,292.00 / Metric Ton
Reliable Quality Silicon Carbide Manufacturer
$800.00 - $2,000.00 / Metric Ton
Black Silicon Carbide Granules / Particle From China Manufacturer
$1,000.00 - $1,500.00 / Metric Ton
Manufacturer of Black Silicon Carbide/Carborundum Granules/Particle for Abrasive
$980.00 - $1,000.00 / Ton